Gym Rat Remorse, Recovery & the Realization of a Goal! (and Alliteration Addiction, but That’s a Different Story)~~~

I went to New Jersey in early June, and I didn’t go to the gym while there & my diet wasn’t its best. So, I’d gained a few pounds when I returned, much to my remorse, but I kinda figured that would happen. Sometimes it’s good to take a break, I feel. Anyway, I was soon back in the gym after returning to SC where I worked hard to first recover my previous gains and then…*big damn drum roll* I lost two more pounds (so, I’m down 2 lbs. from my pre-trip weight…Exciting!!!) Side note:  still mentally chanting my mantra:  ‘Make Shae proud!’ 🙂 I was so excited about losing those last two pounds (as they greatly aided my weight loss goal) that I ‘mumble spewed’ the news out loud to everyone within close proximity of the gym scale. Apologies! But, damn, I was so excited. It seems that losing weight is like a war where even a yard gained (or lost in this case?! <LOL>) in ‘fat enemy territory’ is a victory! The war analogy seems fitting since I also saw “Wonder Woman” since my last entry, and my bandanna was fashioned after a kind of ‘Rosie the Riveter’ look recently at the gym. I think I can see the weightloss in my face the most. Does anyone ever see the weightloss first in the generally more problematic area, the stomach? 🙂


Rosie the Riveter GRG blog post
Touch and go there for a ‘minute,’ but it turns out ‘I could do it!’ 🙂


My United Flights were great
Price was right for my United flights & I loved my window seats~~~